A downloadable game

This game is being developed for our 2024 Capstone Project in the Honours Bachelor of Game Design Program at Sheridan College, Oakville, Ontario, Canada.


HUN73R is a 2.5D adventure platformer where the player controls HUN73R, a robot who recently attained the ability to think independently from the influence of his programming. Explore an ancient planet with your robot companions and uncover the mysteries of the company that created you, the nature of the anomalous liquid metal of this planet, and how it has impacted you and your fellow robots.

Team members:

Henry Bezerra - Narrative Designer, Project Manager
Albert Ojapalo - Level Designer, Lead Programmer
Arshia Fadavi - Lead Character & Background Artist
Carlton Downes - Technical Level Designer & Programmer
Noah Barber - Texture Designer and 3D Artist
Alina Antoniuk - UI & UX Designer, Marketing and Business Analyst

Sound Team:
Ricardo Gomes - ricardogomes2713@gmail.com
Chaco Rohit - rohit911chacko@gmail.com
Nik Buchowski - nikbuchowski@gmail.com

Voice Actors:
HUNTER - Senzenina De Freitas - senzeberry@gmail.com
COPPER - Andrei Horia - andrei.y.horia@gmail.com
PEBBLE - Emma Benabdallah - Emmabenab@gmail.com
VETERAN - Jonathan Swartz - swartzjona@icloud@com

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